Insurance For Architects

Professional indemnity insurance for engineers and architects is essential. Whether you are involved in residential, commercial, industrial architecture you’ll need to be covered for professional indemnity and public liability.

Types of architects we can cover with professional indemnity insurance

  • Residential design
  • Commercial design
  • Industrial design
  • Interior design
  • Green design
  • Landscape design
  • Urban design

We understand that all Architect practices are different. In addition to professional indemnity insurance, there are other risks to your business we can help mitigate. Our expert team will work with you to understand your business prior to recommending a comprehensive insurance program. The following policies are an example of the kind of protection that you should consider:

  • Management Liability
  • WorkCover / Workers’ Compensation
  • Cyber Risks
  • Public Liability
  • Office/Business Package
  • Corporate Travel
  • Design and Construct

Also as part of our offering MKW provides an in-house contract review service of your Professional Services Contract, noting our contract reviews are not confined to whether or not contractual obligations are insured, our reviews extend to provide comments from a risk management perspective for both insurance and commercial  issues.

Our contract review service  provides:-

  • Prompt response times within 48 hours, or 72 hours for larger complex contracts.
  • Reduced dependency upon solicitors, thereby reducing legal bills
  • Upon your request, direct discussion with ultimate clients, where appropriate
  • An approach tailored to individual client requirements.

To find out about our tailored risk management solutions for architects, please contact us.


Inner West Sydney

MKW Insurance Brokers

Office Address:

Level 1, 5 George Street
North Strathfield, NSW, 2137

Postal Address:

MKW Insurance Brokers
P.O. Box 166,
Concord, NSW, 2137

Phone: (02) 9746 6273

Sydney – CBD

MKW Insurance Brokers

Office Address:

Level 8, 65 York Street
Sydney NSW, 2000

Postal Address:

MKW Insurance Brokers
P.O. Box 166,
Concord, NSW, 2137

Phone: (02) 9746 6273

Upper North Shore

MKW Insurance Brokers

Office Address:

79 Lofberg Road
West Pymble, NSW 2073

Postal Address:

MKW Insurance Brokers
P.O. Box 166,
Concord, NSW, 2137

Phone: (02) 9746 6273

Central Coast Office

MKW Insurance Brokers
Office address:

38 Manns Road,
Narara, NSW, 2250

Postal Address:

P.O. Box 166
Concord NSW 2137

Phone: (02) 4311 6175
